Friday, December 2, 2011

What Kim Kardashian Taught Me About Marriage

celebrity couples, Cupid's Pulse, dating advice, Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries, wedding, celebrity divorce
I finally caught Kim Kardashian’s wedding special while I was home sick one day, and now there are two hours of my life I wish I could get back.  Three days later, when news of her impending divorce broke, I wasn’t surprised at all.  I mean, anyone who tuned in to her wedding special could tell that the couple barely liked each other.  I was originally ready for Kim to go away, but Lord knows I love a great reality show train wreck.  So, I couldn’t look away.
While Ms. Kardashian and I couldn’t be more different, we also have a few things in common.  We’re the same age, in love with being in love and have a particular affinity for high heels and hair extensions.  I then came to the conclusion that Kim Kardashian could teach me a thing or two about marriage:
Womens Intuition Is Real: There is a small part of me that actually feels bad for KK.  I have to believe that beneath all the makeup, the spanx, and the money, there’s a real person with actual feelings.  Putting myself in her very expensive shoes, I wonder what I would have done if I had that “this isn’t right” feeling in the pit of my stomach. Knowing that when I called off the wedding it would affect so many people and would make me feel bad.
Money and Marriage Don’t Mix: By Kim selling out her wedding, getting married became part of her job description.  This is where it gets tricky, because marriage should be about love between you and your partner … and that’s it.  I highly doubt that anyone wants to pay me to film my wedding (if you do, call me!), but this was a reminder to keep my eyes and mind on what matters, and to keep it sacred.  The more you treasure it, the more you should protect it.
Eloping may be the way to go: I’ve always wanted a fairytale wedding, but watching this Kardashian sh*t show has really forced me to re-evaluate my priorities.  It seems as if we forget that marriage is not about the wedding day, the dress and the registry.  It’s about joining your life with someone else’s, whether he lives in Minnesota or not, and whether there is an NBA lock-out or not.  There’s simply is too much emphasis placed on the wedding, and not on your future life together.
And, ladies and gentlemen, I want the life.  I want that happily ever after.


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